Written By LimeLight App—
This blog was inspired by a couple of questions I got on TikTok.
First of all, you need to know I’m so proud that you're making the jump to work professionally.
Open Calls are exciting and sometimes a little overwhelming.

When going to an open call audition make sure you get there early. The first thing you do is find the unofficial list. There is no SHAME in asking people in line. If they're looking for a 10 am start then I would say 6:30/7 is a good time to show up. There will always be people showing up at 5:30-4:00. It's up to you to make that choice. Be prepared to wait outside rain or shine so dress appropriately!
Sometimes if there's a big turn out casting will “type” the audition. Which for me is a dream, if you're not interested in me for the project, better to know now then wasting a day and maybe you can go to another audition instead. Don’t forget if they don't ask you to stay you can ask for your headshot resume back; they are pricey!
Here's a list of things to bring.
Your Audition Book- This has all of your sheet music either in a sheet protector or not. Make sure all of your music is clearly marked. For the normal cut is either 32 bars, 16 bars, or 8. That 8 goes by quickly.
Your dance shoes- Maybe you think it's just a singing call sometimes they’ve asked people to stay and dance so it's important to always have your dance shoes and another outfit to change into just in case.
A pen or pencil- If you're going to an open call most likely there will be an unofficial list and no one ever has a pen. Yes, be that person so you can put your name up there and get that audition slot.
Headshot/resumes- I always bring both of my headshots with my resume stapled on the back. Since I’m a Virgo I already have them pre-made so I'm not doing it at the audition. Pearl Studios in NYC does have a stapler you can use if need be.
Little extra things like charger, a book or something to do while you wait, water bottle, headphones and a snack (it's so important to fuel your body)